Picky Mancat Monday

Picky Mancat Monday

Does anyone remember this picture?   It was taken back in April when we were attempting to find a wet food that everyone liked.  The cats were very interested in the food trials and gathered in the kitchen for each taste test.  After going through several different brands of premium grain free cat foods we finally landed on a flavour they would all eat.  I thought it would be smooth sailing after that...

However, some interesting patterns have developed since then.  No longer can I set down five bowls of food and have five cats dine together, nope, now everyone has their preferred eating spots and I have to run around the house at mealtime delivering room service.

Casper likes to eat in the sunroom either on top of the wardrobe, where he can usually be found sleeping, or on the cat tree.  In all fairness I don't mind ferrying his food to him because he is deaf and cannot hear the clattering of dishes which brings the other boys running to the kitchen at mealtime.

Ben will arrive in the kitchen with the boys to make sure food is being served up then dash into the dining room and wait on the table where he likes to take his meals (although sometimes he won't be bothered to get off our bed and come downstairs in which case I have to carry his food up to him).

Archie also likes to eat in the dining room but on the sideboard

Sweet Jimmy keeps things simple for me and takes his dinner on the kitchen floor beside the stove.

and Kipper, who never met a food he didn't like eats on the kitchen island which is directly behind where I prepare the food.  From this vantage point he can monitor every morsel that is served up and meow encouragement to me if necessary.

Does anyone else have such picky mancats?!?!

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