Paw it Forward

Paw it Forward

What can this be?
Oh my goodness, such excitement in the house today!  A knock at the door and a box delivered for the cats.

With little regard for his personal safety, Archie jumps head first into the box to investigate

 Ben steps up to see what it's all about..."look you fools there's a card".

"It's from Amy and the House Of Cats...yippee it's our Paw it Forward package"!  I helped the boys open their package (it must be such a drag not having opposable thumbs) and the loot just kept on coming, it was like the Fantasia of cat toys.
There were two bags of cat treats, and a silky pouch of nip, one foamy ball, four poms, three balls with bells, one large crazy unbalanced ball that moved on it’s own, catnip bubbles (which I will get on video when we open them), two yarn tubes with rattling stuff inside.
There were two three turquoise mice, one mauve mouse and a shiny pink pillow which were all nip-filled and made the cats crazy.  There was also a cat dancer which was a gigantic hit and a refillable catnip cupcake.  All of this was packed in a funky canvas kitty shopping bag. 

Holy cow Amy, did I forget anything?  Every cat played with every toy and nothing was left untouched :-)

It was really the most fantastic selection of goodies.  My boys would like to thank Amy, Kirzon, Lola, Virgil, Barney, Gus & Stella for their overwhelming generosity!
Now, who else would like to play?  Just leave a comment on today’s post and I'll choose the first three kitties who say they want to Paw it Forward.  It doesn’t matter where you live, let’s just keep the fun going!

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