Monday Memories

Monday Memories

Here are a few pictures of the boys when they were young. I'm hunting around for my earliest photos of Molly from 1992 that I can scan, and I wonder how we coped before digital cameras!

Casper and his sister Fluffy

Wee Ben the first week we got him

Skinny Archie the second day we got him

- Friday Flashback
When I was fourteen my sister Sarah (who is six years older) and I brought home a nine month old Abyssinian kitten.  Sarah had read about some kittens that would be available at a local cat show and dragged me along as her hapless accomplice. ...

- Scafflaw Week
We interrupt our serious, ahem, arty exploration of "The Close Up Cat" (Molly and Archie's appearances still to come) to bring you our contribution to the Scafflaw naughtiness that is going around the CB this week courtesy of Fin at Housecat Confidential. ...

- Hot Cats In The City
It is summertime and we are having a typical Toronto heat wave. For the last three days it has been 43C with the humidex (that’s 109.4 for those of you who use Fahrenheit) and an extreme heat alert was issued. We have air conditioning in the house but...

- In Celebration Of The Outstretched Paw
I thought I would join in the "Celebration of the Outstretched Paw". A lot of cat blogs out there have posted fantastic pictures and it gave me an excuse to sift through my photos and choose some of my favourites. Enjoy... Here's Molly outstretching...

- The Introductions
Hello folks (if anyone is reading this) and welcome to my blog. I’m very new to the medium; in fact this is my inaugural posting. I have four cats and that is the reason I have started this little project. They are the joy of my heart and the children...

