Mancat Monday

Mancat Monday

It seems to me that one day Archie was a scrawny kitten and the next day he was a big strong mancat!
He is a very happy and relaxed fellow
My long, lean ginger snap

He doesn't have to always be in the action, but loves to watch whats going on
And let's not forget, he has the best juicy peach pads which drive me crazy!

- Mancat Monday - Jimmy
For today's post I made my very first slide show with music on PowerPoint of Archie and Casper sharing a little mancat love.  As some of you know I am a bit of a computer dunce so I was very proud of myself.  However this was a short lived...

- Wordy Wednesday Challenge
I picked the word benevolent to describe my Casper because in the truest definition of the word he is: characterized by or expressing goodwill or kindly feelings.  From Casper's first day with us we knew he was a very special cat, not only for...

- Mancat Tuesday
Well we missed mancat Monday because we happily joined the birthday postings for a dear friend in the CB.  However, I very much wanted to post these cute pics of Archie and Jimmy so I've just bumped mancat Monday to Tuesday. I don't...

- Pink Noses
All of my cats have pink noses, I think of them as the Pink Nose Brigade (PNB). Archie’s nose may technically be peach, but that is close enough for what I’m trying to illustrate here. I have been a pink person all my life (when I was a little girl...

- Meet Benjamin
This is Benjamin, aka Ben, Benny, Benners, as you can see he is also a very relaxed boy. When we first adopted him we called him wee Ben, then he grew into Big Ben, but now we call him Gentle Ben. He has matured into a wonderful fellow with a great personality....

