Friday's Fabulous Find

Friday's Fabulous Find

Hello friends, I'd like to tell all of you about a wonderful new item I bought for the kitties, it's from Etsy of course where I find so many lovely handmade things!  This is the Bright Night 10' ceramic fountain from Thirsty Cat Fountains  

My boys love drinking from fountains and I have had several that they liked, but I did not.  The fountains I had used in the past were plastic or stainless steel and I found that after about a year they just did not come clean anymore no matter how hard I scrubbed!  I wanted to try a ceramic fountain and had this shop in my favourites for quite a while. I was always a little put off by the high cost of shipping to Canada but the fountains are so gorgeous I checked in every now and again to see what was available.

I must confess that I no longer begrudge the cost of shipping because this package arrived safely and swiftly in just four days!!!

With clear, easy to follow assembly and care instructions (there is also a youtube video) and all the components in tact.  I washed the fountain and put it together in about one minute and it was ready for cat use.

The starburst mound in the centre hides the pump and the scallop shell that you see in the left part of the fountain conceals where the pump cord exits the feedthrough.

It is both beautiful and practical.  My boys and I loved it immediately!!!

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