Bora Bora here we come!!!

Bora Bora here we come!!!

Well it looks like we will be having two posts today because there is nothing that can't be accomplished if friends come forward with a helping hand!!!  When Penny and Genghis heard that the boys couldn't go to Bora Bora because I can't photoshop, they sent along this picture of Casper, Ben, Archie and Jim having fun in the sun...

Then when Casper's girlfriend the Tsarina Artemisia heard that he couldn't come to the party, well she just wouldn't have it and had her mummy send along a boogie board to transport the boys to Bora Bora.  Here they are all playing together.

and of course lovely Clemmie and her mum included Ben in their Bora Bora trip because he is practically part of the family (lucky boy!)  Check out Clemmie's new vacation hair do and great shades, isn't she gorgeous!  Clem is also bringing along lots of spending money :-)

Thank you friends for helping my boys get to Bora Bora and share in the fun today.

- Happy Halloween
Archie is particularly happy today because his special ladycat Neytiri has send him a Halloween wish.. Archie wants me to be sure and make a pumpkin that looks just like Tiri's.  Will this do?  I carved it for Halloween two years ago but...

- Friday - Update On The Boys
Hello friends, I wanted to thank everyone for their overwhelming good wishes for Kip and Jimmy on Wednesday and for the many suggestions and remedies to help them recover from their colds. I purchased some Viralys lysine palatable gel (hah) from my vet...

- Young Cats In Love
Just look at this fantastic picture that Clementine made...isn't she so clever!!!  Beautiful Clemmie is from the blog Life From a Cat's Perspective and Ben is very lucky to have such a thoughtful and talented girlfriend.  Please scroll...

- Stylish Blogger Award
Our new friends from Mewsings of Garden Cottage Cats kindly gave us the Stylish Blogger Award and we thank them very much.  If you don't know the Cottage Cats you must go and have a visit, their blog is exquisite and is like entering a magic...

- Thankful (for Pam) Thursday
I am thankful for the wonderful and caring friends that I have in the CB.  I never tire of saying that and my feelings are continually affirmed.  Today I am thankful specifically for knowing a generous lady named Pam from California...

