Are you ready for spring?

Are you ready for spring?

Although some of the plant life in our gardens may have been confused by the UK’s warmest December on record, spring is only now on the horizon. Many of us will be looking forward to the longer, warmer days and those who enjoy getting their hands dirty in the garden will have already made plans for the year ahead.

But with plants and wildlife slowly nosing their way out of their winter shelters, how can cat owners – especially those with gardens – ensure they are fully prepared for the new season? Here are some tips to ensure your spring goes swimmingly.

Cat lying in flowers
Like humans, cats enjoy the warmer weather; photo by G-Tinnetje via flickr

Looking after your cat

Protecting cats and wildlife in the garden
Ensure birds can easily reach their nesting box entrances; photo by Billtacular via flickr

Preparing your garden

Springtime is a wonderful time of the year to be outdoors in the UK and a few simple, practical steps will ensure your cat and garden are ready for the season ahead.

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